Welcome to Cross Timber Pointers

Cross Timber pointers is a small kennels owned and operated by Steve and Gail Creech in Mt Sterling Kentucky, about 40 miles east of Lexington.
Steve has been a ruffed grouse hunter for over 40 years and knows what a true grouse dog is. While we do occasionally hunt quail our focus is mostly on ruffed grouse and woodcock. While our dogs are very effective on many other upland birds, we breed dogs with a focus on grouse hunting because that is primarily what we pursue. In our years of grouse hunting we discovered that ruffed grouse are the most difficult game bird for a dog to handle successfully. Ruffed grouse will not put up with crowding, and hunting them requires a dog with a "great" nose and a quick pointing instinct, a dog that hunts with a high head gathering scent from the air, not the ground. Good grouse dogs, will be successful in transitioning to other upland birds with slight adjustments.
Cross Timber Pointers was formed in 2003 out of our love for Ruffed Grouse hunting and the dogs that could successfully handle them.
So our commitment is toward improving the english pointer in the grouse woods. We settled on Elhew bloodlines for their grouse ability as our base. Robert Wehle did great things with his dogs at Elhew Kennels that produced some great characteristics in his dogs that pass on.
We breed to dogs that possess the traits we want in our grouse dogs. So we breed to proven grouse dogs or proven producers of grouse dogs.
While we are a small kennel we have seen great success producing foot hunting bird finders. Sound puppies with brains, personality that make them great family companions, natural stop on a dime pointing instinct, easy to train, and train easily and early, perhaps most important they typically transition to wild birds easily, litter after litter, pup after pup.